Mind | Emotion | Movement
#MEM Manifesto: OUR VALUES
MEM is Collaboration
MEM is Inclusion
MEM is Multidisciplinarity
MEM is Dialogue and Openness
MEM is Transversality
MEM is Accessibility
MEM is Direct Experience
MEM is Presence
MEM is Self-awareness and Awareness of Others
MEM is Psychophysical Well-being
MEM is Sustainable Growth
MEM is Optimization
MEM is Regeneration

MeM is a hub of professionals in Italy, believing in the importance of artificial spaces (residential, educational, recreational, work) to enhance the psychophysical well-being of the people who inhabit and frequent them, so that EVERYONE can live in environments that stimulate and support personal growth.
Words such as inclusion, collaboration, openness, and dialogue are at the heart of our project; we wish to sow awareness and competence, to create spaces that support individuals in their transformation through this continuous change called Life.
MeM: an acronym, a Vision, 3 concepts:
Mind | Emotion | Movement
That is,
Mind | Emotions | Body
For our well-being, it is essential to have a good interaction of these three elements.
We at MeM believe that it is no longer possible to ignore the biological and mental sustainability of the construction, transformation, and adaptation of all residential, work, or high-traffic collective spaces.
We aim to sow awareness and competence to create spaces that support individuals in their transformation within the continuous changes known as “Life.

#MeM Method
MeM is an inclusive project with a social impact in constant evolution, aimed at creating circularity and partnerships among professionals in the field of living.
Our MeMbers work on the interactions between the elements of spaces, such as lighting quality, the use of shapes and colors, the inclusion of natural elements, but also on the interaction between spaces and the individuals who inhabit them, through perceptions, senses, emotions, and personal needs.
MeM is a network for building relationships and creating collaborations with other experts to expand knowledge and give visibility to one’s professionalism.
Evidence-based design is the systematic approach we adopt for our consulting and training activities, translating scientific research from various fields and disciplines into simple and immediate tools for the design and/or redesign of artificial spaces.

#MeM Objectives
MeM provides the necessary tools for professionals in the field to interpret the various aspects and characteristics of the environments where we spend our time, to optimize spaces and environments, making them functional to the individual and collective needs of our clients.
With the support of our MeMbers, we aim to guide and support participants in the design of comfortable and functional spaces where they can feel welcomed, protected, and valued.
MeMbers are therapists, consultants, researchers, and educators who believe in the importance of artificial spaces (residential, educational, recreational, workspaces) to improve the psychophysical well-being of the people who inhabit and frequent them, so that EVERYONE can live in environments that stimulate and support personal growth.
Be a #MeMber!