
Caterina Malinconico

Caterina Malinconico

Caterina Malinconico

Architect, I work as a freelancer and specialize in educational training.
I am currently the director of SOUx Milano – Mario Cucinella and Caterina Malinconico’s School of Architecture for Children.

In the academic year 2021-2022, I held the position of Educational Coordinator at SOS- School of Sustainability, Mario Cucinella’s post-graduate program in sustainable architecture and design.
From 1998 to 2021, I served as Educational Coordinator of the Three-Year Interior Design and Event Scenography Program at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED Milano), specializing in educational training on Design, Design Thinking, and developing projects with partner companies on topics related to research and innovation.
I also teach Architectural Design, Project Methodology, Retail, and Environmental Psychology for training institutions and Master’s programs (Accademia del Lusso, Abadir, Società Umanitaria, Accademia di Sanremo).

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