
Dolores Ferrario

Dolores Ferrario

I am an architect specializing in “Green Design in Urban Spaces” at the University of Milan, Environmental Psychology with a Master’s degree from the University of Padua and IUAV Venice, and “Therapeutic Landscape Design” at the Polytechnic University of Milan.

I am a founding member of AIPAA and a lecturer.

I collaborate as a consultant with the Maratona Alzheimer Foundation and the Giovani nel Tempo APS association.

Passionate about environmental psychology, I focus on designing inclusive spaces that meet people’s needs. As President of the Gruppo Sostegno Alzheimer Fidenza ODV, I develop bio-psycho-social activities for individuals with neurocognitive disorders and participate in national and international projects such as “Caffè Alzheimer Diffuso” and “Adrinclusive” for accessible travel.

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