Colors and Well-being in Workplaces: Interview with Prof. Massimo Caiazzo
Color Design is Playing an Increasingly Central Role in Creating Healthy and Efficient Work Environments. To delve into this topic, MeM interviewed Prof. Massimo Caiazzo, President of IACC Italy (Italian Association of Color Consultants-Designers ETS), internationally known for his scientific approach and advanced color solutions. The interview focuses on the color rehabilitation intervention carried out at
Massimo Caiazzo: color as a crossroads between art, science and social value
Who is Massimo Caiazzo First Color Consultant in Italy, he collaborated from 1990 to 2006 with the prestigious Alessandro Mendini Atelier in Milan. Professor of Chromatology at the Verona Academy since 2003, he holds in-depth courses on color at the Brera Academy. As an artist he exhibits at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg and